Thursday, October 05, 2006

Let's pretend it's a review...

Once I read on some blog that there are not enough reviews on blogs. I think this review could be a bit late as everyone already read this book but it's better later than never.

I recently read the Da Vinci code in Lithuanian. The fact that I read it not in English upsets me enough but it is the way it is.
The whole chase thing was pretty lame, you could see what was coming and the clues to the ending were already given at the beginning, one thing that I was thinking the author forgot to mention when Langdon opened the second cryptex that apple was
also the oldest unchanged word in the English language, and was a symbol of many things along with the blossom mentioned just before the opening.
Anyway, what interested me more was the whole theory. It always amazed me (i mean before the Da Vinci code) why the church for centuries hated women and put them down, like women were unworthy creatures? Even with the bible theory if not Eve the whole earth would be just fields right now and therefore whether they like it or not woman is the creator of the humanity (there I would like to use word women but we are going the bible way).
Also the thing about paganism, the church created all those horrible tales, about sacrifying virgins and eating babies to scare people from paganism but surely we free people of the world should realise what they were doing... saving the business of their own. I don't care about the Holy Grail and the wife of Jesus and so on...
I care about the belief that was lost for centuries and made into some kind of evil thing. After all paganism is the closest religion to the nature, to the way we really are, and even though if they (the pagans) did write poetry about sex as they were saying on BBC, aren't we doing the same now? Haven't we done for centuries? And just because their language was more primitive it doesn't mean that it is horrible.

I was brought up in a mainly catholic country. The religion in Lithuania in the first of the independence years was so powerful. I believed in something for a long time. Then I started learning. Now i believe in nature. I wouldn't call myself a pagan, I just believe in balance. I also formed an opinion (while growing up in Lithuania) that church would do anything and everything to get people into the churches and for that reason the whole Grail conspirasy is possible.

What I saw and still see in the Da Vinci code is a weak storyline, even worse writing style, but very interesting ideas to play with when you are bored. I think the book would have been so much better if the author just would have written all the facts and stories and theories he was playing with (apparently there is a list of facts in the first page but there wasn't one in Lithuanian version). Ok this didn't work out as a review what it is then? Well in my opinion the book doesn't deserve the bestseller's status and if you are really going to spend some money on a book why not buy an English dictionary or English grammar in my opinion they are more useful.


Pioneer Woman said...

I didn't read the book, but recently watched the movie...and honestly, all I came away with was that it was a pretty good, imaginative fiction story. But how could SO many people believe that it was true? Not for one second did I think to myself, "Oh, my gosh...we're seeing the real story here." I just thought, "Hmmm, that's a creative story he came up with."

And the movie really wasn't that great.

Just my humble opinion, and I love the design of your blog. Darling!

CG said...

Well Ree you know, really, nobody knows the truth but obviously there are many things that are true, but most of them aren't Grail related. I just think it's great subjects to play with in your mind when you're desperately bored...
Thanks for visiting!

Weekends Off said...

I am so glad you are back to blogging! I had thought you'd disappeared!
I'm probably one of the only people who hasn't seen the movie OR read the book!!!

Anyway I just wanted to say Hi and Welcome back! I missed ya!

B said...

Yeah, this book is certainly controversial for many different reasons. And that reason alone makes it more appealing to me. Whether or not one believes the story is irrelevant. The book illuminates very compelling themes about ideology, religion, politics, and power.

If you are particularly drawn to the symbolic side (as you mentioned, about the value of women before Christianity), an amazing book to read is The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell. It is actually an interview with Joseph Campbell and it is amazing!

Welcome back to the blogging world. We missed you!

CG said...

Hi D, it's so lovely of you... Thank you. About the book or film you really haven't lost much..

B, The Power Of Myth sounds wonderful maybe I'll purchase it in one of the Parisian English book stores ;) What do you think?

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