Wednesday, September 02, 2009


I hate making decisions. I do not like being responsible for more than myself. I know this sounds completely ridiculous from a woman who got married at 19 and created a crazy but lovely family at 20...
I dislike decision making because my decisions normally affect more than myself and even though I find myself rather good with dealing with my responsibilities I do not want to have negative effects on those whom I love.
So I have ten days to decide what to do. The past few months have been all about deciding and waiting and I am tired of that all I want is some simplicity something without complications. Now I have to go and digest the information and decide what to do.


Melissa said...


I just stumbled upon your blog.

You seem to be an amazing talent. I can't wait to read more of your blog.


Richard said...

I find I only have problems making decisions when I am overwhelmed. OTherwise, they aren't really much of a problem.

One issue I do have, though, it rarely having any sense of urgency. Why do things need to be done now?

CG said...

Thank you Melissa! I actually have added your blogs to my blogroll... Hope to see you back :)

Richard we live in this stupidly paced world where everything has to be done in a hurry the faster the better. I know that because every time I go to London I am horrified at the pace people walk, shop and eat etc. It is like they have no time just to run in between. Stupid, but then it is our own fault. That is why I hate making decisions I seem never to have enough time to think...

Richard said...

I have come to the point in my life that if I have to make a decision in a hurry, then I won't make it, i.e. just leave things as they are.

CG said...

That is a great attitude! I wish I could do that. Normally under such circumstances I end up taking longer than usual!

Richard said...

You just need to be convinced a little more that making a decision in a hurry is not in your benefit, but in the benefit of the person who wants you to make the decision (in their favour).

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