Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hearing our soul

-->since the moment we are born, it seems, we are taught to deny our soul. To defy it's voice. Our parents, teachers, friends, grandparents all seem to tell us that the inner voice, the voice of our soul is wrong all the time. They seem to what to fit us into a certain frame. Into some standard. We have to fulfil expectations we do not understand. Respect the rules that make no sense. And always deny our soul's voice. Until one day we become completely deaf to it or learn to surround ourselves with people and things that under all circumstances prevent us of haring it. Maybe it is hard to hear and listen to our soul, but what is the point of living a life in denial?


Richard said...

I might be in agreement.

But ... I can't help but think that when people speak of "liberation of self" they really mean "I want ot be selfish".

CG said...

I also agree with you Richard o be able to hear ourselves we need to be able to take time for ourselves. I had plenty of time for myself while here alone and found out some amazing things about myself.
Had I not had this selfish time half the projects that I have started working on recently would not even exist.

Richard said...

We all need me time. But I will leave it as an exercise when me time becomes selfish time

CG said...

Maybe I am confusing the two. I should investigate to establish the difference...

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