Personality Disorder Test Results
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And another personality test... Fortunately this one does not involve any disorders, simply tells what kind of person I am. My friend suggested doing these tests every six/three months to see how my personality has developed over time. This is actually quite curious and I might even do that. This personality test actually makes me feel nice, so it appeals to my vanity, which is a bad sign. Time to stop.
INFJ - "Author". Strong drive and enjoyment to help others. Complex personality. 1.5% of total population.
personality tests by
How interesting!
i'm an INFP.
Well, my dominant personality disorder is schizoid - which I can see. With some paranoia thrown in (personally, I think this is a consequence of having an East European ancestry).
The Jung word choice test pegs me as ISTJ which is at fair variance with the INTP I tend to get with Myers-Briggs.
Richard I think you are right Easter European ancestry can have a lot to do with people being schizoid or paranoid... I suppose it's just the way they are up there!
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