Saturday, June 20, 2009

I have a friend who loves these bears. He lives in France and I haven't written to him for months. I think I should do that today. I have three parcels to send out but I am so overloaded at work I don't seem to be able to drag myself to the post office.
All those who are waiting for a parcel from me do not worry you will get it, but I will be late. Today will be the letter writing day. I will write to everyone that I haven't written to in a long time.
I can't write much about what is going on in my life, but I will soon enough. I just can say that all my dreams and plans are finally coming into some shape, which gives me great relief and joy.


Lorri said...

How wonderful that dreams are beginning to take hold.

Richard said...

Reaching out is always great. Gives me a great feeling to do so.

I hope there are those who reach out to you and remember you.

Jayant said...

Hello Carra,
I'm back again, lol..

I am not giving out any excuses this time, though. I have joined a course on Ethical Hacking
(and in fact you are the first person in my friend circle with whom I'm sharing this news) and that's keeping me busy of late. I hope it will get over by the end of this month.

coming to your post, it seems you also have a lot of backlog to catch up with. I hope you're done with them by now.And yeah, writing to old friends once in a month or two doesn't hurt, does it? :)

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