Saturday, April 18, 2009

a really shitty thing...

I've just done a really shitty thing. I feel sick. I let my editor down and probably the whole team of a newspaper because they owed me money. I was so disgusted with the whole situation, that I couldn't make myself write, not a word, and when something was written it was useless. I'm very distressed this is why I was so quiet all week, I have been dragging this out for over a week and it downed on me so much I could not write, my self esteem is low because of what I did. I was never late, at least without a good excuse and a warning up front. and now I've sent an e-mail out explaining myself and I can't take it bag. never ever, will they trust me even if they pay me, if they will pay me after this at all. it's such a shitty shitty feeling. I don't know when I will be able to write something now. it hurts.


Unknown said...

Yes, but if they didn't pay you, it is understandable that you wouldn't want to work for them. Don't beat yourself up too much over it because if they were really professional, they would have paid you on time.

Anonymous said...

you are a writer cause you write spazz, not because you let people exploit your hopes and dreams, stop bellyaching and write me something good. Hop to it!oll

Lorri said...

Why would a person who has not been paid, work once more, for free?! I don't see how you did anything wrong. You stuck up for yourself. That is something to be proud of.

Try not to feel down about yourself. Try not to let them get you down. Try not to...

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