Monday, March 23, 2009

Inspired by a picture: Fashion week home made style...

It's funny what kind of power silly little things have on us. This little image found on flickr inspired me to make my own fashion week and at least prepare myself mentally for the spring weather to come...
I hate winter, I own very few items of clothing suitable for winter. My intention is to plan what I want and more importantly what I need for this spring and summer, so I can get it slowly and exactly how I want it. Because of my little funds, I can't just go to shop and buy what I want, so this week will be for planning and maybe making few things and then after wards it will be hunting for the stuff I want in various places to find it cheap and suitable for my needs... This week may be boring for the male readers, but I don't have so many of those and I'm sure the ones that do read my blog will be able to put up with this for a week.

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