Thursday, December 25, 2008

Holiday reading

In preparation for the holiday I went to the library today and got myself two books to try to read and relax while preparing myself to work on my next book. I picked classics because I need to be thrown and inspired by this masterpieces to write the little humble thing of my own. Having read both Charles Dickens and Jane Austen I know I chose well, as both of the authors are truly deserving of the classic title, their works not only suck you in and not let go of you until you are finished reading them, but also take your breath away completely.
I personally think that I need to be swept into another world, of ladies, gentlemen, the poor and the rich as I obviously don't have enough of it in the world of my own. Sometimes I feel lost in myself, because I don't know what I am doing anymore and I desperately need to be taken away from this rut, the rut that makes me grumpy and pathetic. I hate being that way, but I am tired and I give in to all this stupidity because I simply can't be bothered. I rest, but the rest I get doesn't seem to be enough. I would like just to have a week off and forget about all those things, when I see those things, that means anything related to work. I can drive you mad!
So this is my treat for the holidays. I will probably no have the time to read them anyway but I will try, and if I will manage I will surely write one of my lousy reviews to let you know how it was...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please try to take time to read them, even if it's just a few minutes a day, it will help you escape for a bit.

Jane Austen is a favorite author of mine.

Love and hugs.

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