1) Add the logo of the award to your blog ✓
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you ✓
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs ✓
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog ✓
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs! ✓
The blogs I’m nominating are:
1. Pumpkin - From My Swiss Window - for her interesting stories and taking the time to observe the world and people around her.
2. Lotus Reads - for her intellect and ability to constructively criticise books.
3. Vesper De Vil - Vesper's Escape - because I simply love her blog!
4. Peace and Sereknitty - I have been haunting that blog for ages! 5. Retro girl - Creative Pandalerium - for her creative talent in making things and in her strenght!
6. Jayant - The typical college life - for being a VERY good friend and for understanding chess as well as cricket!
7. A better view - for absolutely amazing photographs!
Well I have completed the mission. I must admit it is as much fun giving as receiving!
Thank you!
Carra you are very sweet! Thanks so much for visiting me...for the award, and your kind words!
Have a great day!
Thank you! I am honored that you thought of me for this award. Now, I am off to visit the other sites you gave it to. :)
I will have to check these blogs out!
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