Monday, October 27, 2008

I hate the drug addicts

If there was anyone to hate, apart from all the big evils of the world... it's them. The inconsiderate buggers, that every night inject their selves outside my house and then, they simply throw the syringe on the ground and walk away. Just so you get the picture... I live in front of a secondary school, there is plenty of silly young kids, who will gladly pick those things up. And what then?
Every morning and every night I go round picking those things up, breaking the needles, and then throwing them away. Graham tried to talk me out of it because it's dangerous, but I refuse to have a small child with an HIV on my conscience. By all means if you have a problem and need the drugs do them, but can''t they do them in some nice safe environment not in the bloody street?
I once almost tripped over a guy who was "high" in the street with the needle still stuck in his flesh. And I don't even live in bad area, in fact I live in the old town, one of the most upmarket areas in town... Like the drug addicts wasn't enough, now we have drug dealers around too.
Every evening there is this posh car parked outside the school with two very paranoid guys standing around, looking over their shoulder, not so long ago I saw kids around the car with those two paranoid idiots smoking weed. I know this is happening everywhere, and it's not my problem but it sickens me. If you do drugs, do them at home and don't give them to children. Not in the bloody street where someone has to pick up your mess afterwards...


Richard said...

As a friend of mine who used to do drugs said, "It takes away the pain. It equalizes all people - the doctor of lawyer shooting up next to you is no better than you are."

Admin said...

That's an incredibly sweet thing for you to do...

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