Monday, July 23, 2007

Sleepless in Berchules

Have you ever been so tired, that you couldn't sleep?
I am right now. I have been so busy all day, counting and typing in other words being an amateur accountant, that when I finally got into bed with my beloved husband I couldn't sleep.
After about an hour of twisting and turning, I got up and guiltily sneaked out of the bedroom, like a wife that cheats on her husband with her computer, but what do you know! Instead of doing silly things and trying to relax I am doing research for my husband! I am absolutely obsessed with work these days. Obviously it is not a bad thing, but at night, when I am twisting and turning and instead of new rhymes coming up my mind as per usual, I see numbers rolling in front of my eyes, terrible! This is so uninspiring, normally I'd spend my time dreaming, fantasising, when I can't sleep, not counting!
I am absolutely exhausted...


Unknown said...

Oh, I know how you feel! Courage! Sleep will come and when it does, it will be so sweet!

RonHoward said...

'normally I'd spend my time dreaming', If the world is the same all the time, we'd know what were expecting, but if the slightest thing changes, the whole system changes everyones lives around you all change for that one thing in yours that you changed.
(a good song for this situation is 2pac-changes)

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