Saturday, May 26, 2007

8 random things about me

I was tagged by Lotus Reads because I wanted to be, to participate in this!

The rules are:

1: Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2: People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.
3: At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names.
4: Don't forget to leave them a comment and tell them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

8 Random Things About Me

1. When I was about 4 I developed this idea in my mind that I was adopted and that's why my mother didn't love me. I wasn't adopted after all but my mother didn't start loving me either.

2. I am affraid of the dark. I have been all my life, and I always try to fall asleep before the lights go out. Once while staying in a hotel I came back to my room and the curtains were drawn it was pitch dark and I had a panick attack because I could not open them, I slept with lights on all night long.

3. I always read the same book at least twice. I red E. Hemingway's "For Whom The Bell Tolls" 6 times and currently I am reading O. Wilde's "The Picture Of Dorian Gray"" for the third time. I also read 3-6 books at once.

4. I completed writing my first book when I was 19. It's in Lithuanian (my mother tongue) 104 pages long and called a girl can dream.

5. I get depressed every year at spring time, even though it is my favourite time of the year. It usually starts at the end of March and lasts till the beginning of May.

6. I have once taken in a pigeon that was wounded by a cat and my mother wouldn't let me take him into our appartment I had to keep him in the staircase of our appartment block. He was recovering very well until one day I had to stay at school extra 2 hours because the whole class was punished for some idiots misbehaviour. The pigeon was very ill when I came back because he was thirsty.
That night my mother made me throw him into rubbish container ALIVE. I haven't forgiven myself or my mother since.

7. I am very proud of myself because I speak 5 languages + I understand 5 more but I am incapable of speaking.

8. I am very shy in person, I prefer to step back from people than go forward. In some way I could say I am affraid of other people.

I know this is not original but I tag anyone who wants to be tagged. Please leave a comment if you want to be tagged.


Lotus Reads said...

Carra, I have done many memes but this one continues to remain one of my favorites because it helps us get to know our blogger friends better!

I enjoyed reading your answers and you sound like a very interesting person. So you grew up in Lithuania and live in France, or is it Spain, now?

I love that you can re-read books, I have never been able to do that, with one exception, Mme. Bovary which I have read three times.

And amazing that you speak five languages, wow, that will come in really handy some day!

I'm so glad you did the meme!

CG said...

Lotus, thanks for the meme in the first place.
Yes I was born in Lithuania, at the age of 18 I went to France, where I spent 6 months. I lived in the UK for over 2 years, after that we moved to France where we stayed for over a year. We are currently in Spain, we are planning to stay here for 6-12 months just enough for me to learn my sixth language.

I have been re-reading books all my life, I like seeing into them better as I read few of them at the time.

As for five languages I was lucky, I grew up in USSR that already helped me learn Russian. Then I started going to school that specialised in German language and when Iwas 16 I changed school to one that specialised in English. I have been studying English since I was five on my own. French I learned living in France. Obviously Lithuanian being my mother tongue that adds up to five, though my aim is to speak at least 7 languages before I am 30. I really am proud of this and I am working all the time to improve my language skills.

I am glad I did the meme too.

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